Well thanks to Angela my potential invitation disaster was averted!! We went to walmart this week to pick up the invitations (prices MUCH better than anything else we'd seen and us two tech geeks could print them ourselves) and there was only one box. I picked it up and kept the receipt should I not find another. Knowing they'd ask if we found everything we were looking for I replied no and they checked for me if there were any more boxes showing up on inventory...nope... They referred me to customer service as it was a non replenishable item to see if any other walmarts carried it, the only one in NB that had them was the only city in Fredericton where we have NO family (or no family that frequently shops in the city). I thought one of the local shops might have them as they carry wilton products but when it comes to invitations they do printshop referals. sigh...so no luck. It just so happens I was talking about this later in the day and offered to make arrangements, what a godsend...thanks again!! One of my bridesmaids and I had found alternate invitations at Staples with a double border being the only difference...oh and the price was doubled if worse came to worse. However in this whole drawn out process I did find out that Staples carries matching program paper, yippee!
In other news Alex was accepted into our school of choice via alternate placement today. YIPPEE!! We are one street over from the zoning cut off and were pretty concerned about the zoned school, it's right across from the high school and I used to walk through that area to get from my apartment to UNB once upon a time and I definitely wouldn't want my son in that vacinity. His new school will also avoid me having to provide transporation to his afterschool care and it's not on a congested traffic route which means I'll be able to volunteer there at lunch once in a while!
The weekend was pretty low key, Alex had a birthday party on the northside of the river which meant I killed 3 hours stitching at my grandmothers house which is only a km or two away from where he was, at 111.9 cents a litre I wasn't driving back home! I did get the bottles taken in to a much more efficient depot on that side of the river during my 3 hours. Saturday night mom, dad and my brother Steven were over for a visit. As usual Alex was up to his gracious host antics ;)
Sunday was also quiet, we slept in until 10 and then I got up, stitched a little (frogged some more) and went to the mall at 1. We had a delicious low cal/low fat crab quiche for supper and I'm getting the hang of this better eating thing!! Tonight it looks like Matt's ball game will be rained out, and deck scraping will have to wait...and hopefully there will be lots of stitching progress to report tomorrow!!
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