Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Walking in a Warp Speed Winter Wonderland
Santa has thankfully been preserved for this year. Three days after the church incident there were presents under the tree that I'd wrapped for some other people and Alex thought Santa had been by while he's been asleep, phew! In just one week we'll be getting ready to head up to Mom and dad's where I can finally relax and just do some crafty stuff with Alex ;)
Stitching has taken a small hit in the last week, I'm plugging away at Knotted Pine's santa from this years JCS slowly but surely but we've had school concerts to go to, inlaw company on the weekend, stockings to sew, cookie exchanges to bake for, parcels and cards to mail and parties to look forward to. Thankfully it's stitchy night tonight :) I can park my worries and veg.
Alex's school concert was wonderful. He looked so GQ up there in his Old Navy plaid button down and CP cords :) Apparently this is probably the last year I'll get to buy him cool clothes for it as he wants to be in the boys choir and they wear plain white shirts, black bowties, an NB plaid scarf and black pants. I suppose I could buy him a funky argyle sweater for when he sings with his class though ;) The concert had the usual frustrations, I showed up 40 minutes before it started to get a decent seat, and they dwindled pretty darn quickly, the SAHM mother's came in early and 'reserved' seats for their lazy a** husbands who waltz out of work 5 minutes before the show to their perfect seats while people that actually make an effort are forced to stand. I mean they had 300 programs printed for the first show and they were gone 20 minutes before the concert. Then there's the morons who rush the center and stand there so no one behind them can see. I had to army crawl and sit on the floor so I could see and get a video of Alex's performance. Matt couldn't make it and when I was telling him about it his opinion was very true, to the point but I don't know how it would ever fly. They need to do something about the 'extra's'. I think banning them is a bit absurd, I mean Alex would love it if my parents could come once in awhile but you see people bringing an 8 person entourage of uncles, aunts, grandparents and it quickly becomes out of control and parents can't even see their own kids. The situation either needs to be addressed or they need to look at having an additional show besides the two that they already do. Oye.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Catch the Spirit
This past week has been busy++. Alex was off of school for 3 days due to parent teacher meetings and professional development so I had a nice 5 day weekend with lots of mommy son time. We did some crafts (Alex's first use of a glue gun), played some games, baked alot of cookies and continued to decorate for the holidays. We ventured out to an old fashioned christmas tree decorating party at the local independant bookstore and froze our butts off waiting for the parade on Saturday. At the end of our little vacation Alex and I lugged all of the tree decorations upstairs and made up quite a few appetizers to have a family tree decorating party.
The rest of the week went by in a blur. There were stockings to prep for sewing (Alex is getting very anxious for his to be sewn), guests to prepare for and an awesome dinner party/stitch night to look forward to. I had a wonderful time at Faith Ann's, Cathey's account of the evening sums it all up in her blog ;)
Saturday we headed to Alex's Christmas bazarre at the school and were joined by mom and dad there later in the morning. What a great time! Apparently it's quite popular as even the Premier (equivalent to a governor for my friends south of the border) was there for awhile. Alex was really excited, it was the first year he won at the cake walk. Matt was even more excited where it was a black forest cake ;) Saturday afternoon mom and I headed to the coop to do a little shopping and then we had a nice family dinner with Swiss Chalet. We were all kind of zonked so the Jesse Stone tv movie hit the spot.
Sunday we headed off to church where it was the first Sunday in advent. Sunday school was interesting, about 5 minutes before the kids were scheduled to come back one girl came back in wailing, poor dear. When Alex returned he said he didn't really like Sunday school as one kid said 'Santa isn't real'. I reminded him that he was a good boy and asked him if there was ever a year that didn't have presents under the tree and he seemed satisfied with the notion that Santa only comes to good boys and girls and children that make others cry wouldn't be on the list. It's the best I could do in the middle of the service. I know that some day he'll figure it out on his own and probably carry it along with him like I did one day seeking out the confirmation that the physical entity doesn't exist but still have the spirit of giving. I know there are more and more 'realists' in the world that don't start the Santa tradition for a number of reasons (don't believe in lying to their children, or want them to be thankful to the right people). However, imo, kids have to grow up way too fast as it is and deserve that magic. It's nice when people say thank you and are grateful but it's not in the spirit of giving to be looking for it or looking to have it reciprocated. The best thing about Christmas morning for me now is watching Alex get super excited about a present, and the icing on the cake is hearing him call out his thanks to Santa, even though he is no where to be seen.
Mom and I checked out an open house in the afternoon and then did a little bit of shopping. Apparently alot of boys size 6x-7 are getting pj's for Christmas as they were pretty hard to find ;) I also picked up my two Christmas movies I budgetted in for this year, a 'Muppet Christmas Carol' to replace my very worn out VHS and Home Alone 2 where Alex loves the first one. After supper last nigth Alex and I watched that until bedtime and our sides hurt from laughing so much, surprising after his new obsession with Shrek the Halls ;) Needless to say I'm really enjoying being 'done' all of the preparation for Christmas and now just sitting back and enjoying the show (even it it means a little less stitching that usual)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Movin' Right Along
Sunday was relatively quiet. I started on batch two of the Christmas cookies, brought the non tree decorations upstairs and decorated as well as adding the remaining lights to the trees outside. Even the village made an appearance. I can't wait to light everything up Dec 1st :) Mind you I STILL cannot find the lights I bought 2 years ago to go around our front door. My husband thought we needed some colour so I got a garland set to intertwine with some greenery at an after christmas sale. I haven't seen them in two years of searching! Oye.
Apparently I was a bit pooped from the whole weekend and after about a half hour of listening to nostalgic Christmas tunes and sleepily looking at the decorations Monday night I retired at 8pm.
Tuesday, Faith Ann and I braved the crowds at the annual Coop sale, mind you everywhere you turned there was someone you knew. We even came across Eleni and her DH while we cut through the parking lot. Flats of coke for 3.99, Butter 1.20 off, family blocks of cheese 3.**, how could I pass up that? I normally do my groceries either in advance of that week or elsewhere but I usually pick the best sale items and stock up++. Mind you it wasn't truly that bad, sure it was hard to navigate a cart at times but the main line was moving quite quickly I thought. We were express though. I try to get there before they let the reciprocal shoppers in myself ;)
Again no stitching that night either. I've been attempting to be disciplined and actually sew up my stockings before starting something new. I'm really hoping that I can get it done this weekend when I have a 5 day holiday (Alex is off of school). Speaking of stitching, this was the first official year I put stitching stuff on my christmas list, yippee ;)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Girlie Time
Tomorrow Faith Ann and I and maybe my ta ta tassle twin are heading over to Green Village for a bow making seminar, maybe a centerpiece one, some ice cream and some tax free shopping in their gorgeous ornament section ;). The seminar could suck but it's free and getting together with friends is just good for the soul :)
My pictures of the craft room didn't turn out (some weird ghosting issue) and I need to do a couple touch ups but the initial reno pics are coming soon ;) And just in case you might think I haven't had time to stitch this week here's my latest finish :P
Sunday, November 11, 2007
While I wait for the primary coat of primer to dry and the spots I ended up sanding and in one case patching to dry again I'll be taking advantage of the gorgeous weather and putting out our Christmas lights. As for stitching it's been kind of on the backburner while I prepare the glorious room dedicated to crafting ;) It had to be done some time and the three day weekend seemed like an excellent opportunity :)
Sunday, November 04, 2007
A Weekend of Happy Dancing
So here's what's been accomplished bringing this year's total to 29:
Three Kings ~ Imaginating
Friday, November 02, 2007
Where Does The Time Go?
Caveman for the beaver party
A warlock for our sole trick or treaters
Our haunted crayon
Monday, October 29, 2007
Photo Status
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What Jane Austen Heroine are you?
You are Elizabeth Bennet of Pride & Prejudice! You are intelligent, witty, and tremendously attractive. You have a good head on your shoulders, and oftentimes find yourself the lone beacon of reason in a sea of silliness. You take great pleasure in many things. You are proficient in nearly all of them, though you will never own it. Lest you seem too perfect, you have a tendency toward prejudgement that serves you very ill indeed.

Katie - Google Grease Monkey
Last night was stitchy night and boy did it feel good. I got to see Faith Ann's Christmas Village and her gorgeous Dragon Dreams Christmas bears. I stitched away at my Three Kings and it felt so good putting some of the upcoming medical tests on the back burner. It was fun just to get some me time and not come home to be immersed right back into Brie Van De Kamp territory. As usual the room was filled with pre-retreat excitement and for once I was indifferent. I love retreat mind you but it just doesn't look in the cards and that's ok by me. I don't have my exchange ornament done, and I've got a craft room calling for a paint job :) Who knows what way the wind will blow in a couple of weeks but as for that weekend, I'm open to whatever direction it takes me :)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A Night With Robert Munsch
Thursday we had a wonderful night. It was a bit busy. I picked up the groceries, then the boy and rushed home to drop off the refrigerated goods. I cleaned Alex up and then we headed to our favorite Fish and Chips spot Williams. Alex is becoming a real seafood junky. He finished his clams and chips in record time and then made a dent in my fish...sigh... After that we headed over to the Playhouse for our Robert Munsch story telling concert. We ran into Faith Ann's family in the lobby where there were a number of books for sale and then we headed in to take our seats with Eleni and her daughter. She scored some awesome seats for us. Mr Munsch is absolutely electric. I've never seen so many children admitting to wetting their pants just to get up on stage with him (I've Gotta Go!). As you've probably guessed from the video Alex got to share some stage time with Canada's best selling author for the story 'No Clean Clothes'. After the show we waited for an hour to get two of Alex's books autographed and it was well worth the wait.
Friday was very quiet, the biggest excitement was Matt and I renting Knocked Up which had us both in stitches. Not for the faint of heart but I loved it ;)
Saturday was the annual Beaver Apple Day and Matt and Alex were stationed at Kent's here in the city. I dropped by at about 11 and they were just about sold out of apples. Apparently Alex is quite the sales man. Other than that we've been staying inside waiting out the rainy weekend.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Here There and Everywhere...Again
300$ after the van fiasco (hooray for towing and also blowing the tensor) we had just enough time to get back on the road and head to the beaver nature walk in Mactaquac. 3 hours with 20 5-7 year olds really was alot. Afterwards we had a really nice visit with Cathey and her DH. Alex was in 7th heaven playing with the dogs. After that it was prep prep prep for Thanksgiving. We were expecting 6 people on top of our three and that week the cushion floors decided to suck in as much dirt as possible which due to their age can't just be mopped, it requires scrubbing.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with mom, dad and Steven up. As if the weekend wasn't busy enough, Alex managed to get a birthday invitation thrown in there too. Mind you that trip to Toys R Us worked out very well. Some of the stocking stuffer toys (Littlest Pet Shop) where on a big sale. All that the boy needs for his sock is a package of underwear (Santa's practical in our house) and a couple sweets. Woo hoo! On Sunday we were briefly joined by Matt's parents and his grandmother and after supper all we did was veg (oh and stitch).
As for the blogless week my stitching report goes as follows, Bent Creek's Wedding Row finally framed, Imaginating's Three Kings restarted after this summer's dyelot fiasco and Robert's Stocking is just waiting for some additional 823 to arrive, sure I could pick it up locally but I honestly don't know when I'll be working on another project that requires perle 5 so I don't need two skeins hanging around. I do plan on stitching up more of the stockings in the new year but that's a while off just yet. For that stocking all I have left is 1.5 reindeer (plus a little butt lift on two of them) and the blackwork band. Needless to say a work night or two and it'll be finished.
This week is also a bit crazy, but not as bad as last week. At least we have a clean house and a fridge full of leftovers! Tomorrow we have tickets to see Robert Munsch so I think I'll take Alex out to our favorite fish and chip spot as a kind of date night, Friday = swimming, Saturday the boys will be at the local Kent's store selling apples for Beaver day + a bottle drive in our community all for beaver's (so if you have any home building needs Alex will gladly sell you an apple to tide you through going through the store). Sunday, yet another birthday party. My goodness...I'm hoping next week is a bit more sane ;)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
C'est la vie
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Birthday's are Killer
Sunday we had a fondue with mom and dad. Alex was on cloud nine! Sadly after lunch they had to return home so I climbed back into bed only to wake up with a killer sore throat. Sigh.
Monday and Tuesday kind of went by in a blur, I was just feeling so yucky and not looking too hot from coughing so much. I had to return to work Wednesday as there’s a thing about how many consecutive days you can be off without a note and I couldn’t get in to my doctor and I think I’d rather be miserable at work than at outpatients. Today I’m taking another day to recoup. I actually got some sleep last night (oh yes, combine having difficulty sleeping with a hubby who happens to be on call this week…arghhh).
Now this week hasn’t been all bad. I did finally pick up my JCS ornament issue, now to figure out which one to do first ;) Also, I finished my sophomore Halloween/Fall SAL that Cathey, Faith Ann, Shannon and I have seemed to gravitate towards. So here it is LK’s Velcome :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Against The Current
Last night was Beaver registration and I figured I'd check my facebook account before I went out only to find my 8 year old cordless keyboard dead, no amount of new batteries would revive it. Thankfully after shelling out money hours earlier for basketball and again for beaver's I had some Futureshop giftcards tucked away and went back to a corded keyboard. I really wasn't in the mood to spend 70+ on a keyboard mouse combo (I'm fussy and only buy Logitech) so the 19.99 cord came home with me. I settled in to watch House and goofed on stitching a section over again but meh, I have the one night a month were the stars and moon align for me to get out of the house sans les garcons! I imagine they'll be scrambling to find me a birthday present in my absence ;)
Friday I'm apparently taking the morning off and going on a field trip with Alex's class. Not really how I'd normally spend a vacation period but I'm running out of years he's going to want me tagging along. Then it's off to a fun filled lunch with the girls to celebrate the last day in my twenties.
In other news our annual Thanksgiving dinner has been moved, hooray! We'd been having it on Mondays based on when my brother would be coming back to university here but really...I'd like to have Monday's to relax and eat leftovers. Now that he's at a different school he's actually heading there on Monday so Sunday works out (plus I like having it on the Christian Thanksgiving). I'm hoping it's a sign for change to come. I really want to drop travelling at Easter but that hinges on me convincing people to come to our house for Christmas which is about the only holiday I don't want to be complete isolists on. All of the travel really wears me out, I wouldn't mind rearranging my time off to take more in the summer instead. I'd like to have one easter where Alex still believes in the EB at our house to do an easter egg hunt there. When you're not in your own home you can't get uber creative on your hiding places. It wouldn't be proper at someone else's home to hide them in anything you'd have to open. However dropping a trip to one home means nailing down christmas plans 8-9 months in advance to be 'fair'. Here's hoping 30 is a sign of things to change :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Hips Don't Lie
As for the rest of me I've faired better. Dealing with a a hyperactive biological clock that lives with a hypoactive one has been frustrating to say the least. We are also dealing with MAJOR teacher problems this year. Why couldn't we bring Alex's teacher from last year?? To summarize, when after 4 days your son's teacher is keeping a log on all of his behavior, callously throws out the term ADHD and then laughs it off because whenever he's sent to sit quietly he does just that, tells you that instead of talking to you or meeting with you that you have to wait and have a large meeting with the principal and vice principal and completely discredits the guidance support that the principal issued before the program even starts. Well, 10 years ago I probably would have had a gun blazing showdown day one, now? Well, I'll use the time to dig up teaching ethics violations, let her continue to go on down that path and she can have her large scale meeting, she'll be given enough rope to hang herself as the saying goes.
Needless to say it has impacted the stitching a bit. I have a little Frogging to do on Velcome and I need to replace some of my perles for the stocking I'm working on. With my FREX winnings I splurged and bought the accessory pack for Victoria Sampler's Poinsetta Tuffet ornament out of the preview issue. I was tickled pink when it arrived last night in the mail. I've been itching to do some hardanger again and it's perfect for that little fix. As for the gym, I'm slowly but surely building my classes back up so I can hopefully get back down to my wedding weight again.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Mi Vida Loca
Me-Gym (afterwork)
Me-Gym (afterwork)
Me-Gym (afterwork)
Matt and Alex-Basketball
Me-Groceries (afterwork)
Alex and I-Beavers
Matt/I and Alex-Swimming
Me-alternative grocery day
It's a good thing I bought a 'Mom's Taxi' Tshirt!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
This That and The Other
Saturday I needed to take Alex for a haircut. I'm really beginning to think I speak greek, or that all hairdressers think that little boys should be shorn. I like his hair longish but tidy ie:not around his ears. I stepped out for 3 minutes to get a birthday card and we were back to shorter hair. Mind you it was longer than a couple of the other times but still shorter than I'd like. We had a quick trip home to get dressed for the party and some sunscreen and it was off to the waterslides. What should have been a maybe 20 minute ride turned out to be over an hour. I was picking up the voucher's for the boys ride bracelets for the exhibition on the way back but when I got to the store (different one than I usually use to pick them up) they were only accepting cash. This meant a walk around the block to the bank and back, lovely! So an hour later I strolled into the house. We both went to pick up Alex as there just happened to be a driving range where the party was. The boys tee'd off for awhile while I stitched, pure bliss.
Sunday we went to the FREX. Alex made it on every single ride there :) As for my entries they did the following:
Mirabilia Cherub - 3rd framed cross stitch
Christian's Stocking (for Matt) - 2nd large christmas decoration
Jeanette Douglas 06 needleroll - 3rd small christmas decoration
LK's Santa, We've Got Cookies - 1st small wallhanging (it got reclassified from medium christmas decoration somehow, but I'm not complaining)
The judging was sketchy at best. The Grand Champion was nicely stitched but the framing sucked. Angel of Autumn is not meant to be in a gold oval with a gold frame, the piece was completely lost. Also there was an entry that I'm 99% certain was entered a previous year and an aida piece being ranked over perfectly stitched evenweave. There's also one lady who repeatedly puts in a collection of ornaments in the small christmas decoration category, it's not a collection category! I've spoken to women who judge at other events and they pretty much have the same guidelines, and the placements just didn't fit. I don't mind not placing first, that's not the issue, Cathey and I are pretty anal stitchers so it's a little shocking when we don't do the one two punch ;)
Monday we completely vegged. Being on my feet for 4-5 hours really wore me out!
Tuesday was back to school for Alex. He was pretty happy with his new class as of last night. We were happy that we'll know his homework for the week in advance again and that we've been given a list of his 'special day' schedule. It's nice to know which days he has gym to dress him in track pants and which days he has art so as to not send him in his reallly nice shirts. Apparently the district decided to change the bus numbers and not notify the parents so Alex got on his regular bus with his buddy, only to be heading to the country! Thankfully they straightened things out. Alex's status on the busses is in question though and that doesn't make me a happy camper. His zoned school was full last year on french immersion so he's in the school that happens to bus to his daycare, they had better not screw that arrangement up as it's due to their overcrowding that he's there. I'm not asking for them to take him to our house out of zone, morons.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Twenty Five
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Cherub Completed
Saturday Matt had a golf tournament so it was just Alex and I. We did a tonne of chores, dropped the bottles off, groceries, returned some items, picked up his new Franny K. Stein book that was just released and picked up our tickets to Mr Bean's Holiday. We returned to the mall after we dropped of the groceries and had some lunch to watch the movie. Alex LOVED it! The people behind us got more entertainment out of watching Alex than the movie, he was just roaring. It's quite funny as the boy has only ever seen the 'Unseen Bean' tape and that's hardly Prime Bean, ditto with the movies. I can't wait to show him the original show one of these days. I didn't mind the movie, it was light hearted and funny, Alex's reaction made it worth paying theatre prices over a rental though.
Sunday I put two and two together as to why I'd been so agitated all weekend when I was felled by a migraine. It wasn't until I read up on them a bit more that I put my agitated days together with the pre migraine phase. I really need to start listening to my body better. A nap in the afternoon helped and let me work on my Cherub for the exhibition but by bed time my head was back to throbbing. Monday was not much better. I still got to work on my Cherub but by the end of the night I was ready to Botox one side of my head.
Today I'm pretty wiped out. I get alot of sleep when I have migraine episodes but it's not a refreshing sleep. I spent the lunch hour in and finished my Mirabilia cherub, now just to frame it tomorrow at lunch where tonight is written off. Goodness only knows but at least the Mirabilia Cherub is now complete ;)
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Kitchen Crazy
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Whistle While You Work
We had a wonderful weekend at mom and dad's. Friday we took it easy and simply went to market for lunch where Alex got his Kurt's sausage fix (and snuck a little of dad's schnitzel). Saturday dad picked up a case of lobsters. My son who's normally not afraid of anything was not touching them for more than 2 seconds with the tip of his finger. They were soooo yummy! Of course he had a bad sinus headache all day so that might have contributed it. At noon he was at his completely wound up stage and not accepting that if he just rested he'd feel better. Thankfully he did pass out from exhaustion eventually and was up an hour later a bright as a button all over again.
Sunday I packed the van in the morning, worked a little bit more on the Mirabilia 2006 Cherub and then we all headed to lunch at Pizza Delight. The local restaurant had been renovated and Alex LOVED the grill your own garlic bread gimmick, although by the end of the meal we were all ready to grill our waitress. The donairs were awesome as usual though ;)
The drive home was stressful yet again. We got stuck behind some morons that insisted on travelling slowly together but tailgating so you weren't quite sure if car 2 was going to pull out and pass, meanwhile I'm stuck behind them in a vehicle that should only be permitted to pass one vehicle at at time when not on a 4 lane with some jerk driving an 18 wheeler and right on my tail for 45 minutes. When did dumb and dumber leave the highway, right before the actual dedicated passing lane. I could have screamed! I was not feeling too hot already and the tense drive had me completely wiped.
Yesterday I recoup'd at home. I stitched a little bit more on my cherub and hung out with Alex, doing a little unpacking here and there but nothing that required alot of effort. At 6 Alex was ready for openning night of vacation bible school. He was a bit intrepid at first but when he saw the setup (kind of Indiana Jones themed) and the minister's daughter had asked him to sit with him (they're beaver buddies) he was off to the races. He was soo animated when I picked him up which was very nice to see, and bonus, it was at the church just around the corner from the house. He's there all week so Matt and I will actually have a whole 10 hours of the house to ourselves. Oh my!! ;)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Back from the Oral Surgeon
So we arrived on time. I won't go see the idiot who holds a license in our city, I know over a dozen people that have been to him and he's rough and has the manner of a frozen tv dinner filled with grissle (I had the pleasure of listening to him after Matt's surgery a couple months ago and he can take that as sealing his fate). Plus he's known to push laughing gas instead of going under, and he only handles general anesthetic, my surgeon 2.75 hours away does conscious sedation a nice memory free happy ground. We arrived there on time and it took forever to do the paper work, sigh...I'm an anxious person when I'm NOT having surgery my BP was through the roof if I had to guess. Then it was back logged so I got in an hour and a half later, sigh... NOT fun considering I'd been fasting for over 12 hours because getting up at 5 wouldn't have been fun, 6:30 would have been doable had I'd have known. So I got plenty of stitching done in the waiting area but only brought in one colour as I wasn't expecting to be there THAT long. The nurse was nice, I explained my concerns as I did have two memories from the last surgery, flashes really but still I wanted to be good and out. So she topped off my IV with some Valium and I had no recollection of anything, although I must be hard to put out. It usually takes 30 seconds and I had counted past that++ waiting. I woke up very alert considering the times I had my flashes I was on less and was dopey well into the evening. The teeth were a very easy extraction and didn't even need stitches, woo hoo ( again memories of hauling out the stitch that wouldn't dessolve, yuck). We headed to Tim's and I had the challenge of trying to drink an iced cappuccino with no straw with a frozen upper lip fun!
So now it's past midnight, my only nap was one to take advantage of the day off of work ;) I do feel weaker than normal and am going to take it easy until at least Sunday, maybe Monday (the last time my teeth were fine by Monday but my tummy was not on the high doeses of ibuprofen and I do NOT respond to Tylenol). So far no swelling so that's great, not that I had much last time considering they were completely sideways. Apparently after 5 years they now hand out drugs for swelling, great! It's also helped my asthma cough I've been dealing with, bonus! *note to self bring up the fact my inhaler prescription is out next time I see the doctor*. So far so good, thanks for all of the well wishes guys :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Twenty, Twenty One, Twenty Two, Twenty Three and Twenty Four
For Lack Of A Better Title: Tuesday
Ok, maybe it shouldn't be too blah considering it's only a 3 day work week for me (there's gotta be at least one benefit from having two wisdom teeth removed) but still. Work that was supposed to be done by others so I could continue did not appear on my desk while I was away so it makes the days a bit long and said people are on vacation this week.
As for stitching I finished the cross stitching the letters in on SB's Joyful Christmas last night during Doctor Who. A couple of weeks ago Alex was tidying up his mess when it came on and was instantly sold on the show so that's our one family show. Last night he didn't want to take a shower between 7:30 and 8 for fear he would miss the beginning. We don't watch alot of tv so having one of the shows that we actually watch being watched by all members of the family is kind of nice.
As for pictures they should be up later this week when Joyful Christmas is complete. I need to do some mass ironing and don't want to take the pics before then. Fear not Cathey...I'm not fibbing on my numbers :P
Monday, August 13, 2007
Back for Now :)
The week just never seems long enough, vacation is gone and it's almost the middle of the last month of summer, depressing++
We had a wonderful week away from the hustle and bustle of our life here in the city. We didn't HAVE to be anywhere or HAVE to do anything and that was pure bliss. We commenced the week by driving up in a blistering wind storm, apparently there were some F1 tornados along the way but we missed them. The drive was tiring, between one set of towns we had an antique car in front of us and a beat up truck travelling with it slowly, the passing lanes are short and the mini van is a pig, needless to say I was relieved when they pulled off. Then we had some little old ladies haul out in front of us and then drove 30 through town...well until I laid on the horn and motioned it was a 50 zone and there was a back log of about 20 cars. Finally we got rid of the slow people (and I'm not a fast driver) got ready to set the cruise control and the heaven's openned up, sigh.
The rest of the week was full of activities, but at a leisurely pace :) We got a tour of our friend's new house (I'm sooo snagging his girlfriend to arrange my furniture), the boys went golfing, mom and I went to check out the nursery close outs, I saw a grand total of 4 movies (Bourne Ultimatum, Underdog-which was actually a cute family film, The Simpsons and Daddy Day Camp), went to the local beach, played some frisbee, swam in the pool a couple of times, checked out the Napan Agricultural fair and of course, had our girls day in Moncton. I think I was pretty good, considering I don't really do alot of shopping anymore. I picked up some back to school supplies at Costco, found a pair of jeans I actually liked at Roots, was very good in Michael's considering I only picked up one little figurine for my christmas village, and did a little bending at the LNS. I've had the urge to do a big piece for quite awhile now and when I walked in there was Mirabilia's Lady of the Mist sitting there on a beautiful lavender. I was sold when Charlotte told me it was in a frame available from Michael's for 30 something as really, that's part of the reason Guardian Angel is still a WIP, the wiggle room for framing that would do the piece justice is fleeting. So I ended up walking out with it kitted, one of Shannon's Heart In Hand 'pooping birds', a new piece of fabric for Three Kings with 3 skeins of the same dyelot and the fabric for Giggles In The Snow (girl). That was my one little exception I'd made in the 50 project challenge woo hoo.
Stitching wise it was a very productive week. I attached the button to LK's Happy Hoppers so it's officially done now, LK's Beware of Cat is now also complete as is Heart In Hand's Family Medley and SB's Tina's Stocking. I stitched SB's Joyful Christmas as far as possible until my Sheep's Silk arrived (which was waiting for me when I walked back in the door) and got a very productive start on my FREX entry for the year Mirabilia's 2006 Cherub. As for reading I only openned my book the two times I went to the gym, however Janet Evanovich's Two for the Dough is now complete, bring on book three :)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Two More Sleeps!
The movie actually turned out pretty good. I think I was annoying Matt having my Ott light on though. Normally it's not an issue but on dark movies the reflection is just out of place. Tonight I'm going to mow our front lawn if the weather permits, maybe even the back too if I can convince Matt to take Alex to the lake, otherwise the back will have to wait. I'm not giving up prime swimming weather for the boy for a lawn, but if someone else can take him I'll mow ;) Hopefully after a nice shower I'll be able to start packing for the weekend and get a little bit of stitching in ;)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Wet and Wild Fun!

The Best Wave in the Wave Pool
From Left To Right: The Tornadoe, The Pro Racer and the Kamikazee
At 4 we decided to call it a day. We weren't waiting around an hour to get on slides and we'd been thoroughly water logged in the wave pool. So we cleaned up and headed to Montana's :) It was really yummy! Alex loved the dessert best of all!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Satellite Maps are Cool

A Boogie Board is a shorter, wider surf board like apparatus. It's generally used for body boarding, the same thing as surfing but laying down. Right now the most we're doing is towing Alex around on it and shoving him off into the lake (he always comes back though ;)) I'm looking forward to trying it out at my parents house where they get some waves from boats that go by or in the Northumberland Strait where you get some real waves. No Honolulu or anything but enough to play in :)
Got Thread?
I played with my new threads for awhile and absolutely love the colours. Where I didn't have much time to stitch before bed I picked up the piece that had the least amount of stitching required and should be able to finish that up at lunch today (unless it's not humid enough outside to impede my walking), then maybe I can finish up Heart In Hand's Family Medley :) Tomorrow I think we're packing up early and heading to Magic Mountain in Moncton for some fun on the waterslides :) I really hope the weather cooperates. Last year Alex was just under the 4ft requirement for one of the funnest slides there, a tube slide (although he could go down the one on the foam crazy carpet head first...yeah that makes sense) and he was determined this year to grow enough to go on the Tornado so getting there this year has been a must, just trying to coordinate a weekend that is nice, we're all in town and no one has been on call has been a challenge, sigh... So here's hoping the weather's nice tomorrow!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Do I Speak Greek?
Book Worm
Saturday however was mostly spent doing inventory at the mini home. If I wasn't decluttering minded before I DEFINITELY am now. Not that there was clutter but I guess you don't realize how much you have until you have to throw it away. It was really difficult seeing all of the posessions being dragged out one by one. Miraculously one bag of baby keepsakes survived, almost all of the pictures survived, scrapbooks survived (I love Creative Memories but their protection system fails when there is water involved, three sided page protectors are DEFINITELY the way to go). I managed to salvage one of the ballerina's I'd stitched for the girls years ago, I even got the soot out of it :) Now to remount it! I don't think I've ever needed a bath as badly as I did when I got home. I washed my hands, grabbed my housecoat, peeled my clothes directly into the washer then soaked in every pretty smelling bath product I own. Now, some observations that hopefully you'll never need...
- Photos really are best stored in those photo boxes, those things were as dry as a bone coming out, albums got humid (although the pictures could be saved, just ALOT more work). Plastic systems melt even when not on fire and well, chances is if your storage system is actually on fire you're going to lose them anyway.
- Three sided page protectors for scrapbooking is a must for scrapbooking!
- I know they're but ugly but wire closet shelves (and even shoe racks at the bottom) are THE way to go. A week later everything was still damp from the hoses, drawing the water away from your possessions ups their chances of being salvageable
- Close your doors! I know we've probaby all heard it before, but you could be like me and live with a 'who wants to return from vacation to a stuffy house'. The center bedroom's occupant was out with friends at the time of the fire and had her door closed. The center room really only had smoke/water damage. I'm not going to say it was pretty but it was in much better shape than the living room that was at the opposite end of the house from the start of the fire. Most of the salvageable belongings came from that room.
- Do inventory and keep your records off site. Update them at birthday's and holidays. This will save you alot of heartache later
- Videotape your house at least once a year. New Years Day is a great
time to do this, if you're like us and put your presents away that day
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Ok, So Being Only 14% Classy Isn't So Bad...
Your Score: Katharine Hepburn
You scored 23% grit, 33% wit, 42% flair, and 14% class!

You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women.
Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Monday, July 16, 2007
Rise of the Phoenix
Alex has been wanting a playdate forever so it was the perfect time to have one of the girls over. We tried out a little diner near here for a quick lunch and then the kids moved through both levels of the house...what we bought the house in the first place for. The point of having a playroom was to actually have enough room for kids to play :) After that the kids hit the back yard and bounced back and forth between the swings and the pool...yay for mowing the lawn with a bagless mower. There was lots of skimming involved after but my goodness the sounds and squeals of delight made it all worth it. I was parked in my observant but not interfering spot on the deck making up an organized book to help sort everything out for insurance. I think I'll definitely be taking notes from this and video taping the contents of the house, taking inventory and backing up our important information offsite.
Tomorrow it's back to work for the day, I wonder if they missed me? ;)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Holmes on Homes
This morning I was having a really good dream when Matt came in with the phone for me. Seeing it was 8 o'clock and most people fear waking me I knew something was up. Tracy was on the other line and if I had any sleep left in my head it was quickly shocked out with 'the house burnt'. I've been pretty teary all day at the thought of such a wonderful family losing everything. Alex temporarily being displaced from daycare was one of the last things on my mind. Thankfully they're ok, the dog and hamster are safe but sadly the cats hid. I'd grown quite fond of the coon cat who loved to lay 'road kill' position when I'd show up or who'd jump his big old frame over the baby gate with the greatest of ease. Where my schedule doesn't allow for a dog and my furniture would never survive a cat I live vicariously through my friends. It just breaks my heart thinking of all that they've lost, all of the precious memories, momentos, toys for the kids and even crafting (scrapbooking) material. I know, low on the list of things but when I'm stressed that's my 'therapy' and I imagine it's the same. Matt and I thankfully have a bit of play with our schedules so I'm home with Alex tomorrow and more than likely Wednesday when we can hopefully come up with something thoughtful to do. Please remember them in your prayers. Katie
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Looking Up
So...once said package arrives I should be able to knock off Heart In Hand's Family Medley (2 colours), Lizzie Kate's Happy Hoppers Pocketbook Kit (1 colour) and Lizzie Kate's Beware of Cat Pocketbook (3 colours) in a matter of days. Really that should keep me occupied enough NOT to think about the DMC dyelot from 'h' 'e' 'double hockey sticks' right?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
First Time for Everything
Happy Hump Day
Last night I went for my 40 minute run at the gym. I had my Janet Evanovich book with me so it made the run go by quite quickly. On the way out I picked up some additional energy saver lights which should just about complete replacing the old ones in the house as they were on sale and dropped by the garden center scoring a new ruby wygelia bush on clearance. It's sad to see the garden centers closing up, especially so early in the summer but I'm more that happy to take some of their plants off of their hands ;)
Supper was another success. We've been trying out some new recipes now that we're back to consciously eating better. Sunday was To Stir With Love from Crazy Plates, my only substitution was bamboo shoots for the red pepper which was approved by the 7 year old critic. The following evening we had Square Dancin Salmon from Looneyspoons which was such a big hit with Alex he wanted it for breakfast. Last night was Honey Lime chicken from www.aimeesadventures.com, yum. I've decided to put Matt to task on days he works at home for prepping supper, why should I have to do all of the cooking when he's home earlier right?
After a nice family walk and settling Alex into bed we parked on the couch and I stitched away at Imaginatings Three Kings. It's actually working up quite fast. I don't know how all of those brave souls would stitch it in varigated thread, I think that would drive me batty ;) However I did run out of the DMC I was using so I'll have to pop into the overpriced sewing shop downtown on my break this morning. When on earth are we getting out Michaels???
Monday, July 09, 2007
Here There and Everywhere
This weekend was a nice weekend at home. I almost said relaxing but when I look back at how much work we got done I can't really say that ;) Matt got caught up on laundry, the house got tidied up and the suitcases were put away. I snuck in some stitching time in between spurts and finished my Shepherd's Bush Snow Fall needleroll (well minus the finishing) Saturday evening during The Fountain (which I just can't bring myself to recommend no matter how much I like Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz). Saturday evening we had a nice family picnic (yum Quizno's) at the wading pool. Alex swam away until his teeth were chattering. I'm soo glad I invested (a whole 4 dollars) in the pirate pull over towel. It kept him warm and was nice and private for changing him into some dry clothes.
Sunday we did a little more cleaning, I did all of the prep for this week's healthy meals after groceries and then we had a family outing to see Transformers :) I was pleasantly surprised with the movie, I think my expectations were pretty low going in as the new cartoon series completely murders the concept. The highlight for Alex? The segment of The Simpson's Movie trailer that featured 'Spiderpig' good grief. He was still rolling around laughing way into the next trailer. Transformers has to be second on my list of favorite movies of 2007, Die Hard is going to be hard to beat at that ;) That just leaves Harry Potter, The Bourne Ultimatum and maybe The Simpson's Movie on my list....I think ;)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
There's No Place Like Home
Last week was a bit out of the norm. Matt had some extra vacation days where Christmas got a bit messed up so the boys headed up to the inlaws Wednesday morning. This equated to me having the house to myself for two days before I joined them Friday ;) Wednesday was really fun. Faith Ann, Cathey and I had a girls night out! Dinner at our favorite chinese restaurant in town (even with the AC on the fritz) and Johnny Depp, how can one go wrong :) Thursday mom joined me at my little oasis. We had a wonderful dinner with my brother at the Diplomat and then went house hunting, not for me of course ;)
I had taken Friday off as a flex day so mom and I headed down for a downtown for a wonderful breakfast at Cora's, my spinach and cheddar crepe was delicious. We then took a walk around downtown and checked out a couple of shops, mainly Think Play! and the Urban Almanac, which has all of the cool cooking and houseware gadgets. After a quick trip to the coop it was time to say goodbye and meet up with Matt and Alex.
It turned out to be a very stitchy weekend. I have my Heart In Hand Family Medley stitched as far as it can go until I can get the white for the sheep/sail/fence and the red for the boat, less than an hour of stitching once it arrives. I was also in a hurry on Friday and just grabbed one of my kits in case I finished the medley and ended up stitching Lizzie Kate's Happy Hoppers with the exception of the butternut squash required for the border. I guess that was my feeble attempt to try to catch up to Cathey ;)
I was soo tempted to beg to go to Presque Isle when I heard Faith Ann was going there but we forgot Alex's birth certificate at home :( I would have loved to have gone to Ruby Tuesdays and picked up some sugar free jello. Instead we went to the John Caldwell alumni breakfast Saturday morning and checked out Live Free or Die Hard Saturday night, which was hands down the best movie I've seen this year. Sunday consisted of the parade, which Faith Ann describes perfectly, a trip to the Grand Sault for my favorite normal pizza (can't beat Boston Pizza's Spicy Perogie or Desperado though) and a trip to a 'carnival' followed by a smidgeon of fireworks (I've been spoiled by the fireworks shows in the city).
Monday we packed up and headed home. The weather would go from sunny to down pour ever other kilometer which led to a little hyperventilating on my part. We had a quick lunch in Woodstock and then it was back to our big white box :) I unpacked a little and headed out to wash off my van. I checked the movie times and Ratatouille was starting at a very convenient time so Alex and I hopped in the van and checked that out, we loved it! The Pixar short at the beginning had Alex in stitches long into the openning credits ;) After we got home I got brave and decided to mow the front lawn, sure enough it started to rain about 60% through but I trudged along, sigh. After getting Alex to bed and having a nice warm shower I curled up and stitched til bedtime :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
We Interrupt Your Normal Stitching Gossip For This Important Message
Elementary school students in the Fredericton area have always been able to take a school bus to their after school day care, even if it is outside of their school zone.
What is the point of educating our daughters? District 18 has gone on long enough with their discriminating policies that make it almost impossible for women who persue a higher education to be a productive member of the work force. Ignoring the crucial link between their system and the afterschool programs is not just ignorant, it is discriminatory. When push comes to shove it's a disproportionate amount of women who end up picking up their children, how many employers are going to accept mother's leaving work every day at 2 pm?
Have they even assessed the environmental impact of that many parents driving unnessary kilometers? Is carpooling an option? I think you can take Ontario's legislation that children need to be in booster seats until the age of 9 as a firm no. Think of the logistics of shuffling carseats, such a move puts our children in grave danger.
Regardless of your location I ask that you please sign this petition and stand up for the children of Fredericton and say NO to discrimination. Please forward this to as many people as possible as together we can make a difference.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Another One Bites The Dust
It's been a week for big change in the house. We walked away from our 'together' hobby, WoW so I now suddenly have more stitching time. At the moment, it's just a summer break where we're going to be away alot and have alot of work to do around the house. So over the weekend I finished what I could of SB's Bethlehem Christamas until I see Cathey again and pick up my thread. Then I began to re-sort my stitching supplies and found my fabric for Heart In Hands Family Medley which is working up quickly.
This weekend also marked the back on the fitness track start. I got two Body Pump classes in, woo hoo! I also made some tentative movie plans where the boys will be out of town this week, what a change ;)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Stitchy Night!
Faith Ann and I arrived home earlier than usual but still refreshed. I could stand to have some time home too ;) Matt and I popped in Mr and Mrs Smith and I finished the bottom charted section of my piece, now I just have from the Angel to the right to stitch, shouldn't be long at all :) I've gotta say, that's one of my all time favorite movies, there are just soo many lines from it that I begin to think the screenwriter had a webcam in our house or something. We didn't make it all the way until the end as it was getting late but had a good laugh in the meantime.
Lol, I woke up and couldn't believe it was sunny. I know most people wish for that but it's soccer night and with the flurry of activity associated with the last week of school a night off guilt free would be nice, and rain would provide that. It really was odd making Alex's last lunch of the school year this morning. They're having a teddy bear picnic (which I found out at the time I normally leave the house as the note was stuck in his lunch bag), so I had to find a teddy for him to bring, label it (I REALLY don't like the idea of sending toys to school) and find a towel, yay.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Bits and Bites
Sunday was very low key. Alex and I picked up some KFC for Matt where he couldn't go out as planned. Poor guy. While we were at the mall I went into SportChek gung ho to bring home some new burgundy mary jane Crocs but came out with some chocolate and cotton candy colored Croc Cleo's. Mylanta they're comfy! Alex went to Toys R Us to spend his birthday gift card, a trip that HAD to happen after playing with one of of Faith Ann's little guy's neat toys ;) However the item must have been sold out as we scoured the place. Instead Alex got these cute little mini star wars figures and really, he plays with those a bit more and in the long term will get much more play value, I think the novelty of Venom's exploding head would wear thin quite rapidly. Matt had already received his gift of a new hat and shirt (which came with his 24 'man flowers')
Yesterday was the dreaded car inspection, which thankfully was pretty cheap considering I had an oil change too. I was ticked at myself though. When I had my tires changed another garage broke a bolt and were supposed to replace it free of charge. It wasn't in stock so they'd call me when it was in. I COMPLETELY forgot about this, or I should say anytime I would remember was when I was in the middle of a highway somewhere not near a phone. So that was 10$, grr... Nothing big in the grand scheme of things but still grrr.... Matt had rented A Night In The Museum as he hadn't seen it so I plugged away a little more at SB's Bethlehem Christmas before the nightly routine.
Today, is looking great. Alex and I have a lunch date ;) His school has a shine only family picnic and it's shining. Where else could I go for lunch with a drink and dessert with Alex for 4.00$ total ;) I have my stitching packed just in case. Tonight is going to be front lawn mowing though followed with some stability ball exercises. Yay...