Well tonight wasn't as big a packing success as I had hoped, but I did get some more charts ready to attempt to sell at retreat and some pieces of hand dyed that I'm lacking vision for... ;) Now as promised some pictures...

Alex headed to the Beaver Halloween Party

His latest school pic

A picture before the Halloween festivities

One pooped clown, his deflated pumpkin mother (really I don't usually look that bad but I was too tired to even fix the pony tail) and our pumpkin :)
LOL You guys look exhausted! Now I can see the difference in his clown makeup from early evening :)
I love the post-trick or treat photo - it perfectly captures that feeling of exhausted fun!
Alex is such a cute boy! We hoped for a redhead, but after three "attempts" we've given up. LOL!!
Great pictures Katie! The school picture turned out really well :o)
Cute Costumes ! :) Halloween can be exhausting !
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