Things are still hectic here. Lily is a good night sleeper considering her age, she usually gets a 4-6 hr stretch followed by a 1-3, she's had a flukish 8 even, daytime however not so much. It's only been recently that she's truly taken to the swing so instead of trying to get her into bed during the day I'll be content for now just letting her swing. She's a pretty advanced little tyke, I feel weird saying that but that girl just baffles me. She's been smiling since 3 weeks, laughing at 6, rolling at 5 (scary) and can scoot herself a good foot on tummy time she gets soo ticked off.
Although she is a bit colicky, some days are amazing, other days I consider going back to work where it's nice and quiet ;) I think you really have to have been off on Mat leave to truly get how exhausting constant crying can be. It's frustrating to go out in public when they're like that as well , you could have given them 2 L of breastmilk or formula (if that were possible), have an automated diaper changer and just had them wake up from a 24 hour coma and you get the experts, 'oh they're hungry, dirty, tired', which is frustrating when you know that sometimes baby's just cry. At times though I think she does it just to get Gripe Water, she treats it like liquid crack! ;)
We have a loose schedule for her which is all we can hope for at this point. I'm looking forward to her hitting that magic 10 lbs and getting up to 12 weeks when her little body should start producing melatonin, making a schedule more reasonable...all without trying to wish our last baby days away. We are also cloth diapering her which definitely isn't 'our mom's diapers'. I was disappointed with the first set we bought, although from the research I did they sounded like 'the ones' however now she uses a combo of Flips, Bum Genius and Fuzzi Bunz. I can't get over how easy it is to be green, plus we've paid off a chunk of our fuzzy stash (yes there are other stashes besides stitching ;)) and that's just with phasing them in. I'm looking forward to years 2 and 3 where we're really in the black...then I can spend it on real stash ;) Speaking of which I've finally gotten a couple of stitches in! I'm hoping to have Lily's birth sampler ready to frame tomorrow.
Now for some eye candy :)

1 comment:
OMG Katie, she looks SO much like Alex :o) It must be hard to get into the swing of things after all this time. It will take some adjusting but I know if anyone can do it, you can. LOL!
Btw, did Lili's parcel arrive yet?
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