Friday, September 19, 2008


Ack...Do you ever have the feeling that someone pressed fast forward on your life? Welcome to my world!! After a severe sinus cold we were already into the exhibition and back to school. We are soo delighted with Alex's new teacher, definitely a nice switch from last year!! Alex's reaction? 'Mom, I've got my first permanent boy teacher!' Meet the teacher was also a big switch from last years disorganized chaos session. Agendas were ready, there was a structure for the meeting and I left confident Alex is in pretty good hands.

Then we were left to deal with extracurricular registration for the year. I definitely cannot pull off the four nights a week anymore, plus I don't think the reduction of family time is acceptable. So, we had to make the difficult decision on what to cut. In the end it came down to scouting at the moment which was due to the change in time more than anything. Alex goes to bed a half hour before it even ends, so if he was to go it would be more like an hour before he changed, and wound down enough to fall asleep, not something I was looking forward to dealing with in the morning. He's also up to full days 4 days a week at school (our school district has half days for elementary) and he is tired come bed time as it is. Where the program runs all year we may put him in later when things are a bit more quiet.

Stitching wise Haley (Mirabilia's Halloween Fairy) is just waiting for the last kreinik and pack of beads to come in :) I managed to locate my camera when I was packing up for stitchy night Wednesday so I should be able to take a picture soon. If that doesn't give any indication on how crazy the rest of the summer went I don't know what would ;)

Today we're off to the Miramichi to visit mom and dad for my birthday weekend and then on Monday it's the big 3-1! I'm really looking forward to some yummy mexican food with the girls at lunch :)


Lori said...

Sinusitis... I hate allergy complications :o(

I thought you gave up blogging, it's been so long. LOL.

I'll just wait for pictures now ;o)

Faith Ann said...

What, you're a "little" busy this fall? Oye.

Looking forward to lunch tomorrow!!