Friday, April 04, 2008

Nothing Makes You Feel Old Like...

'The reunion comes 20 years after the release of the group's multi-platinum album, "Hanging Tough." '

20 years, ack!!!!!!

Now to figure out how to get to one of the concerts ;)

Last night was the first night I actually got to sit down and do some stitching all week. It's just been 'one of those weeks'. Hopefully if all goes smoothly the Easter Snapper will be complete this weekend and I can move on to a couple of other potential projects :)

However it will be a busy weekend around the house. Some old friends of ours are visiting from Moncton so we're going out to dinner this evening. Then there is the air exchanger to finish installing and the new light fixtures to put up. On top of that there are some prep things to do for Matt's birthday and dinner prep to do to make next week run smoothly. Alex starts Karate lessons two nights a week (although this session we're only committing to going once a week) and swimming so were' going to be busy for the next couple of months. Our slow cooker had better not go on the fritz ;)


Lori said...

Us "old" people have to stick together ;o) Though I'm pretty sure you're much younger than I am. hehe

Enjoy your company.

Slowcooker... mine's ancient and I'm thinking too small for the amount my teen boy can now "pack away"

Pumpkin said...

Wait until you get the notice for your 20 year HIGH SCHOOL REUNION! Then you'll feel old ;o) LOL!

Faith Ann said...

Good luck with the new upcoming schedule of activities!! Sounds very busy indeed.

Fingers crossed that the slow-cooker holds out and you don't have to resort to PB&J sandwiches on the run.

vee said...

I can so relate to the old bit. I recently got back in touch with an old friend and it was a bit of a shock to hear myself say to someone that I met him in Grade 2 and that we have known each other now for almost 30 years. Yikes!