Birthday’s are killer! ;) Apparently my body didn’t get the memo that the birthday girl is NOT supposed to come down with the flu the day after the festivities. My birthday itself was great. The boys prepared breakfast for me and presented me with my gifts, Warcraft playing cards, a replacement G ‘n R CD and the Mummy DVD collection, then there was one last gift from Matt, some very sparkly ½ carat earrings. I’ve wanted a nice pair of earrings for soo long, bling is good ;) We had breakfast and headed to market for a cupcake which was fun as usual. Later in the afternoon mom, dad and Jazz arrived for the remainder of the festivities. Alex had fun stuffing leaves in dad’s crocs and pockets while we played outside. We then headed to Boston Pizza for supper, yum! We took a bit of a breather before partaking in the yummy pound cake mom had made. I opened my final gift from mom and dad and was very excited to find a three whicker drawer stand PERFECT for my craft room! Now I have a space to put my in progress projects and not re-sort them to all of the other places in my craft room :) After all that excitement Matt and I unwound at the theatre (our first date in ages). What a birthday :)
Sunday we had a fondue with mom and dad. Alex was on cloud nine! Sadly after lunch they had to return home so I climbed back into bed only to wake up with a killer sore throat. Sigh.
Monday and Tuesday kind of went by in a blur, I was just feeling so yucky and not looking too hot from coughing so much. I had to return to work Wednesday as there’s a thing about how many consecutive days you can be off without a note and I couldn’t get in to my doctor and I think I’d rather be miserable at work than at outpatients. Today I’m taking another day to recoup. I actually got some sleep last night (oh yes, combine having difficulty sleeping with a hubby who happens to be on call this week…arghhh).
Sunday we had a fondue with mom and dad. Alex was on cloud nine! Sadly after lunch they had to return home so I climbed back into bed only to wake up with a killer sore throat. Sigh.
Monday and Tuesday kind of went by in a blur, I was just feeling so yucky and not looking too hot from coughing so much. I had to return to work Wednesday as there’s a thing about how many consecutive days you can be off without a note and I couldn’t get in to my doctor and I think I’d rather be miserable at work than at outpatients. Today I’m taking another day to recoup. I actually got some sleep last night (oh yes, combine having difficulty sleeping with a hubby who happens to be on call this week…arghhh).
Now this week hasn’t been all bad. I did finally pick up my JCS ornament issue, now to figure out which one to do first ;) Also, I finished my sophomore Halloween/Fall SAL that Cathey, Faith Ann, Shannon and I have seemed to gravitate towards. So here it is LK’s Velcome :)

Awesome finish Katie! I love it! As always, you pick great fabric :o)
I'm glad you are on the mend. That was no fun :o(
Congrats on the bling!!!! Good man and trained well ;o)
eek! Oh, so CUUTE!!
So sorry to hear you were sick. :(
Did someone mention BLING?! caw, caw! (I'm part crow...bling is very good)
I have ornament magazine issues...ggrrr (but not with you) :)
I love Velcome!!! The ghost's bow is awesome :)
Glad you had a perfect birthday...but sorry about the flu. Hope you are feeling better in time to enjoy the weekend!
Sounds like you had a great birthday. Shame about the flu though.
Velcome is so cute lol.
Fantastic ! It looks faaaabulous on that fabric :) Congrats !
I'm glad you're feeling better finally :D
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